
Keratea area, is spread out in southeastern Attica and it has numerous monuments from almost all the different periods of civilization that was developed in Greece. At the same time it is a witnessing center of the orthodox tradition with numerous monasteries, chapels and churches everywhere in the area.

Here, the kind Mother of Jesus Christ, Theoskepastos, showed Elder Chrysostomos Theoskepastiotis, founder of the monastery, where to build the holy monastery. “I want my house to be placed at the edge of the city” pointing to him the current location with the 12 hills. After many months’, searching throughout Greece, Elder Chrysostomos ended up in the Mesogaia area. When passing by the country road of Keratea-Anavissos and specifically from the Area Skaleza-Mitrantoni, he recognized the area that Virgin Mary had shown to him. It was the summer of 1979. In the sunny olive grove, an amphitheatrical wire mesh plot stood out which was the only one available for sale at that time. An inner voice was reassuring Elder Chrysostomos, that this was the exact place that Virgin Mary had chosen.


After the purchase of the site took place, Elder Chrysostomos started gradually with a lot of effort and struggle building the first buildings. At that time, the locals were reciting the miraculous events that took place in the past, when they came to the village in their carts, they saw a black-clad woman holding a candle and walking around the place where today the Holy Table is built. At the same time, they heard a voice shouting "alleluia". Thus, by coincidence, the area was named “Lala”.

As the years passed, the monastery started to materialize under the holy guidance of the Most Holy Theotokos, such as the wall cladding of the monastery from stones that were collected from the fields that surrounded the sanctuary. The miracles succeeded one another. Her grace was alive, as "HEAVENLY MYRO" flowed from the epitaph of the Virgin Mary of Theoskepastos.

With the deepest emotion we exclaim "rejoice in the scent of Christ's scent " in front of the divine myrrh, which when it first appeared, Saturday, October 10, 1974 at 4:10 p.m.  a year later after finding her Icon. The Holy Myrrh healed a devout woman who suffered from eye detachment and a cancer patient. Many people who suffered from various kinds of diseases, were healed by Her grace and childless couples were having a child. Since then, the Blessed Virgin welcomes the pilgrims from the entrance of the monastery with Her myrrh.


The holy monastery belongs to the holy Mitropolis of Mesogaia & Lavreotiki keeping the traditional/Byzantine ecclesiastical calendar of Mount Athos. The respected holy icon of Virgin Mary Theoskepastos celebrates twice a year. a) Saturday of the Akathistos Hymn b) August 23rd (Traditional Ecclesiastical Calendar) 5th of September (New Ecclesiastical Calendar) which is the day of finding the miraculous icon. Praying in front of her holy Icon it is impossible not to feel awe and emotional relief. The presence of the Queen of Heaven and Earth couldn't be more alive. When somebody asks something with faith from Theoskepastos, She Immediately provides it. Not only to those that visit monastery but also to those that invoke her from far away.

We, humble servants, kneel in front of you Virgin Mary and pray from the depths of our soul to your greatness and magnanimity to oversee our sins and as a caring mother to strengthen us against visible and invisible enemies as you are the legendary miracle of the angels and the legendary wound of the demons.

Holy Virgin Mary, Hope, haven, Shelter and Fortress for all the people coming to you. Amen.

From the Holy Monastery.