
Archimandrite Elder
Chrisostomos Theoskepastiotis
Owner and Spiritual Father of Holy Monastery Panagia Theoskepastos

All of us must intensify our struggle for true repentance. We must unite our prayers to God. We must be entirely united with the source of Life, of Freedom and Salvation which is Jesus Christ. We must urge the people around us to repent throughout our own example and our words.

We should fall on our knees with faith, with prayers and tears and implore God never stop giving great and rich blessings to our nation, our home, our beloved Greece. We must stop the apostasy from his will, stop the corruption and perversion which lead our children since their young age towards immorality and break up the holly family institution.

This apostasy is the spiritual poison which when the man drinks is destroyed spiritually, mentally and existentially.

Repentance -Repentance -Repentance


When you have love…

• When somebody hurts you and you wish and long for his own good.
• When you care for being useful to everyone without exception.
• When you are not proud of your own talents.
• When you cover the weaknesses of others and do not judge them.
• When you prefer to be unfairly judged rather than unfairly judge others.
• When the existence of injustice makes you sad and the truth makes you happy.

Only then you have love, the greatest of all virtues!
May 2015


Rules of good behavior and good conduct of the language…

• You will not speak but only after the others.
• You will always speak well about the others.
• You will never seek to justify yourself.
• Avoid feeling sorry for yourself and talking about yourself.
• Never say a word against truth.
• Don't reveal any secret.
• Be discrete.
• Never speak angrily.

May 2015

Prayer for thoughts of sorrow and temptations.

1. Glory to GOD for Everything (Good or Bad).
2. Lord, I give myself to your Holly Will. Let your will be done.
3. Lord, I praise you for everything which with pleasure you are giving me.
4. All the people are sheep of Jesus Christ.
5. All Orthodox Christians are Angels of GOD.
6. I worthily enjoy the results of my deeds.
7. Lord remember me when you come into your Kingdom.



  • The most genuine love, the gentlest form of love, is the love which sees deeply, understands, and rejoices to serve Lord’s brother.
  • Under the pretext of prosperity and progress, we renounce the gentility of soul, and then, the passions and instincts are governing us which is the degradation of freedom and enrages the strength of love, beauty, hope, of life itself. Our life must be a constant smile of joy and happiness based on unshakable foundations of the image and likeness of God.
  • The painful silence of pain makes secretly the gold of patience and spiritual fruitfulness.
  • I saw two pairs of eyes staring at me, when the pain and sorrow had grown old with me. Then I felt they were full of love and warmth.
  • Two hot cast pearls sparkled in my eyes, were weighed, fell into my hands, and softly silently shouted “I love you God”!
  • Whoever loves the one who checks up on him is wise indeed.
  • The word of God does not reside in one who has pride neither is fruitful in the souls of the cowards.
  • A soldier should not complain about his wounds when the very same king is wounded…
  • You must remember death and Doom’s Day, day and night and get ready to meet them both.
  • The great truths are found in genuine faith.
  • Fight with patience and prayer. Struggle breast to breast. We had better fall winners during the battle rather than be defeated.
  • There is no greater fall than that one which comes from following our own opinion or will and not the one of God.
  • Whatever is done with turmoil, God does not like.
  • The Holy Spirit rests on you since you put up with your brother.
  • You must never become the worst enemy of yourself.
  • When you deceive the other, then you are wronging yourself.
  • Whoever resists pain and various ordeals without faith and patience goes against God’s will.